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Porch Lean-To’s

You can also add an open lean-to on your pole barn or garage to create a porch area.  Porch lean-to’s are a post-frame building option that’s rapidly growing in popularity, as they create a perfect location for backyard BBQs, family gatherings or just enjoying a summer evening!

Cedar Porch
Cedar Porch
Continuous Pitch Porch
Continuous Pitch Porch
20' Porch
20′ Porch


3 Sided Porch
3 Sided Porch
Inset Porch
Inset Porch
Dual Pitch Porch
Dual Pitch Porch
Connected Porch
Connected Porch
Bump Out Porch
Bump Out Porch
Azek Trim Porch
Azek Trim Porch
Gambrel Porch
Gambrel Porch
Entry Door Porch
Entry Door Porch
Gable Porch
Gable Porch
Wrap Around Porch
Wrap Around Porch
Half Porch
Half Porch
Overhead Door Porch
Overhead Door Porch